Saturday 11 October 2014

Holiday scents

The holidays are coming up and its a time year that brings about those favorite scents and feelings that we all love to experience.
A must have for Thanksgiving is Turkey. Turkeys are a good source of protein and nothing smells golden like fresh turkey being baked in the oven with your southern style stuffing.
The smell of Pumpkin pie gives you a warm feeling. The nutmeg and cinnamon are natural warming spices and the vanilla compliments them well by adding sweetness. If you are going to have a sweet treat try to go for one that has a natural authentic flavor as much as possible.
Christmas is that time of year that brings about all kinda of refreshing scents. There is the smell of gift wrapping paper, spices, food, gifts, and more.
For many people Christmas is a time to spend with friends and family and to treat your friends and loved ones to special things.In Jamaica black Christmas cake, rum, rum punch, and ham are a must have during holiday time.
Wearing a fresh winter scent during the holidays compliments the season and relaxes your mind. You can add warmth by using products that have ginger, cinnamon, pumpkin and spices .The scents tend to linger as there is less evaporation of the products off your skin than in the summer time.
Who can forget about Halloween? It May not be a national holiday but its an important celebration for many people. An assortment of candy and scented Halloween candles flooding the streets and stores is a quite a treat in itself. Kids and adults a like enjoy dressing up in Halloween costumes for trick or treat and attending parties.
Holidays are filled with so many flavors and scents.They bring back a lot of memories and warm feelings to each and everyone.

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